Emergency Services

Emergency dental services are crucial for addressing sudden and severe dental issues, such as severe toothaches, broken teeth, infections, or other acute oral problems that require immediate attention. These services are designed to provide rapid relief and prevent further complications.

Emergency Services


A toothache can be an incredibly discomforting and sometimes even excruciating experience. It often indicates an underlying dental issue, such as a cavity, an infection, gum disease, or a damaged tooth. The pain can range from a dull ache to sharp and throbbing sensations, making it difficult to eat, drink, or concentrate on daily tasks. When faced with a toothache, it's important to take immediate action. Start by gently rinsing your mouth with warm water to remove any debris and use dental floss to check for any trapped particles. Over-the-counter pain relievers and topical anesthetics can provide temporary relief, but these are not long-term solutions. It's essential to schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. They can diagnose the root cause of the toothache and provide appropriate treatment, whether it involves a simple filling, a root canal, or other dental procedures to alleviate the pain and restore your oral health. Ignoring a toothache can lead to more significant and costly dental issues, so seeking professional care is the best course of action for your comfort and long-term well-being.

Our Tooth-Coloured Restoration Services

A lost filling is a dental emergency that can cause significant discomfort and requires prompt attention. Fillings are used to repair cavities and strengthen damaged teeth. When a filling falls out, it leaves the affected tooth vulnerable to sensitivity, pain, and potential further damage. If you've lost a filling, you may experience discomfort when chewing or consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. It's important to act quickly to address this issue. Rinse your mouth with warm water to remove debris, and avoid using the damaged tooth as much as possible. While over-the-counter dental repair kits are available, it's still essential to see a dentist as soon as possible. They can evaluate the tooth, determine the cause of the lost filling, and recommend the best course of action, which may include replacing the filling or considering other dental solutions to restore the tooth's functionality and protect it from further damage. Ignoring a lost filling can lead to more extensive dental problems, so seeking immediate dental care is crucial for maintaining your oral health and preventing complications.

Lost or Loose Crowns

A lost or loose dental crown is a situation that requires urgent dental attention. Crowns are used to cover and protect damaged or weakened teeth. When a crown becomes dislodged or feels loose, it can expose the underlying tooth to potential damage and sensitivity. In the case of a lost crown, it's essential to preserve the crown if possible and schedule an immediate appointment with your dentist. If the crown is still in your possession, avoid using adhesive substances to reattach it, as this can complicate the restoration process. Your dentist will assess the situation, determine the cause of the issue, and provide the necessary treatment, which may involve re-cementing the crown or possibly creating a new one. Timely professional care is crucial to prevent further damage and maintain your oral health.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, characterized by sharp, often temporary pain when exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic stimuli, can be uncomfortable and disruptive. It's usually caused by exposed dentin, a softer tissue beneath the tooth enamel, which can occur due to receding gums, enamel erosion, or dental issues. To alleviate sensitivity, consider using desensitizing toothpaste and maintaining gentle brushing techniques. However, persistent sensitivity should prompt a visit to your dentist, as it could indicate an underlying problem. Your dentist can identify the cause and recommend appropriate treatments to reduce discomfort and protect your dental health.

Pain and swellings

Pain and swelling in the oral cavity can signal various dental or medical issues. Dental conditions like tooth infections, abscesses, or gum infections can lead to localized pain and swelling. Additionally, injuries, allergic reactions, or underlying health concerns can also cause oral discomfort and swelling. It's essential to consult a healthcare or dental professional when experiencing pain and swelling, as these symptoms often indicate an underlying problem that requires proper diagnosis and treatment. Ignoring such symptoms can lead to more severe issues, making early intervention crucial for your well-being and oral health.

Painful wisdom teeth eruption

The eruption of wisdom teeth, or third molars, can often be a painful and uncomfortable experience. These late-blooming molars at the back of the mouth can become impacted, meaning they don't have enough space to grow properly. This can result in pain, swelling, and tenderness, especially when the wisdom teeth partially emerge or push against adjacent teeth. Painful wisdom teeth can also lead to jaw discomfort and difficulty in chewing or opening the mouth fully. If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's advisable to consult a dentist for an evaluation. They can determine if wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to relieve the pain and prevent potential dental complications. Early assessment and intervention can help you manage the discomfort associated with wisdom teeth eruption effectively.

Chipped or broken teeth

Chipped or broken teeth are common dental issues that can result from various factors, including accidents, teeth grinding, or weakened enamel. These incidents can lead to sensitivity, pain, and aesthetic concerns. If you have a chipped or broken tooth, it's essential to seek dental care promptly. Your dentist can evaluate the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate treatment, which may involve dental bonding, veneers, or dental crowns to restore both the tooth's functionality and appearance. Ignoring a chipped or broken tooth can lead to more severe complications, so addressing it early is vital for maintaining your oral health and smile.

Mouth Sores and ulcers

Mouth sores and ulcers, often caused by various factors such as injury, stress, or underlying health conditions, can be painful and disruptive. These small, painful lesions can appear on the lips, gums, tongue, or inside the cheeks. While most mouth sores heal on their own within a week or two, persistent or painful ulcers should be examined by a dentist or healthcare provider. They can identify the cause and provide appropriate treatments or recommend over-the-counter remedies to alleviate discomfort. Maintaining good oral hygiene and minimizing irritants, like spicy or acidic foods, can also help prevent and manage these bothersome sores.

Jaw pain

Jaw pain can be a discomforting and sometimes debilitating condition, often associated with various causes such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, teeth grinding, or stress. It can result in difficulty chewing, speaking, and even headaches. If you're experiencing persistent or severe jaw pain, it's advisable to consult a dentist or a healthcare professional. They can assess the source of the pain and recommend suitable treatments, which may include lifestyle adjustments, physical therapy, or dental appliances like night guards. Ignoring jaw pain can lead to worsening symptoms, making early intervention vital for your comfort and overall well-being.